Decompiler Installshield Limited 5,9/10 2701 votes
  1. Installshield Limited Edition For Visual Studio

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InstallShield Pro Development: Script Editor Note regarding InstallShield 6: Unless otherwise stated the tips and tricks on this page have been written for InstallShield 5, and not all of them will work with InstallShield 6. Some may even damage your project files, so remember to make backups first.

This article describes undocumented functionality of InstallShield Professional 6. Often it would be useful to have a set of generic script files that are used by several installations in a common location. Problem is that you have to specify an absolute path in the #include statement for these scripts (which would be a big problem if you change this location), or you always have to copy the files to the Script folder of each installation. When you use the command line compiler (compile.exe) it is possible to add your own include paths, but it is not possible when you compile it in the IDE.


But we there is a file called 'compile.ini' (in the 'Program' directory of your IS product) where you can add your own include paths easily! Just add it to the Include Folders section. Discovered by Last update: 2001-01-13 Many people complain about the editor that is built into the InstallShield 5 IDE. Here are some alternatives. UltraEdit UltraEdit is a shareware editor sold by IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.

The price for the full product is $30. This word file adds the following features to UltraEdit:. Syntax coloring. Context sensitive help for InstallScript key words. Automatic indenting. Jump to function.

Print colored listings UltraEdit is very versatile and can also be used as Hex editor, replacement for Notepad etc. Written by, and File size: 13.526 bytes Last update: 2000-04-15 You can also invoke the InstallShield compiler directly from the editor, and UltraEdit will capture the output so you can get to any error line with a double click - whithout using the InstallShield IDE.

Here are the instructions and some support files: Written by File size: 1.700 bytes Last update: 2000-09-05 Visit to download an evaluation version of UltraEdit EditPlus EditPlus is a shareware editor sold by ES-Computing. The price for the full product is $20. Some of the features of EditPlus are:.

Syntax highlighting. Auto-completion. Document templates Visit the to download the evaluation version and syntax coloring file for InstallShield Lemmy Lemmy is a shareware editor sold by Software Online Ltd.

The price for the full product is $20. Lemmy is a 'vi-for-windows' that has a complete GUI interface. Some of the features are:. Syntax highlighting. Command/search history.

Installshield Limited Edition For Visual Studio


Unlimited undo/redo. Macros InstallScript support is built-in, however it does require the user to set up a 'file type', that defines the extensions (.rul,.h) and then select the syntax highlighting to use (IShield RUL). Visit to download the evaluation version Codewright is a commercial product sold by Premia Corporation. The price for the full product is $269.

Here is an extension for Codewright 5.x that enables you to edit your InstallShield script files with Codewright. It supports:. ChromaCode (syntax coloring) of InstallShield keywords. Template Expansion - automatically add default variables to functions.

Smart indenting. Name Completion Included is a readme.txt that explains how to use the Language Reference help file from Codewright. Written by File size: 31.822 bytes Last update: Visit for more details Visit to request an evaluation version of Codewright MultiEdit MultiEdit is a commercial product sold by American Cybernetics. Prices for the full version range from $129 to $199. It only takes four simple steps to use MultiEdit for your InstallShield projects.


Here are the features:. Syntax highlighting. Context sensitive InstallScript language help by pressing CRTL-F1. Launch the InstallShield compiler from MultiEdit. Processes compiler output and moves the cursor to the error line Written by File size: 1.344 bytes Last update: 2000-02-23 Visit to download an evaluation version of MultiEdit Printing Syntax Colored Source Code Highlighter is a shareware program sold by Solent. The price for the full version is UKP 10 (approximately $ 17). Syntax coloring is fine on the screen.

But when it comes to printing, you get it black on white. Highlighter is a shareware program that can print a colored listing. Note that has color printing capabilities already built-in. (2.365 Bytes) Provided by Visit to download an evaluation version of Highlighter This tool - written in InstallScript - parses your setup project and automatically inserts code to register your help files in the Windows registry. It also can list all the global variables in a script file. (570.263 Bytes) Provided by Copyright © by InstallSite Stefan Krueger.

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From the most trusted name in software installations, InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio. Download shaolin soul rapidshare free. is available for download by Visual Studio users. For over 25 years, InstallShield has been the gold standard for Windows software installations, used by virtually every major software company in the world.

InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio provides a subset of the world-class InstallShield functionality. It includes significant functionality not available in Visual Studio Installer. Please register to download InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio. The information will be used for emailing a product serial number which is required for activation, creating a private support community account and for future communication regarding product updates.InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio is included with Visual Studio 2010 and newer versions.

InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio supports the following Visual Studio editions:. Professional. Premium.

Enterprise. Ultimate.Visual Studio Community Edition is not supported.