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The complete Edgar Cayce readings Edgar Cayce on Amazon.com.FREE. shipping on qualifying offers. Looking for books by Edgar Cayce? See all books authored by Edgar Cayce, including Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, and Edgar Cayce: Modern Prophet: Edgar Cayce on Prophecy; Religion and Psychic Experience; Mysteries of the Mind; Reincarnation, and more on ThriftBooks.com. The Edgar Cayce Reader #2. Out of Stock. The Edgar Cayce Bible.

Atlantis as a continent is alegendary tale. Whether or not that which has been receivedthrough psychic sources has for its basis those few lines givenby Plato, or the references made in Holy writ that the earth wasdivided, depends upon the trend of individual minds. Recently,however, the subject has taken on greater import, since somescientists have declared that such a continent was not only areasonable and plausible matter, but from evidences beinggradually gathered was a very probable condition.3. As we recognize, there has been considerable given respectingsuch a lost continent by those channels such as the writer ofTwo Planets, or Atlantis - or Poseida and Lemuria - that hasbeen published through some of the Theosophical literature.

Asto whether this information is true or not, depends upon thecredence individuals give to this class of information.4. Then, it has seemed well to many of this group, that thosechannels through which information may be obtained interestthemselves in such an undertaking, as to gain through thosechannels such information that might be applicable in the livesor experiences of individuals interested in such.5. From time to time, in and through the information obtainedfor some individuals in their life readings, has come that they,as an entity or individual, occupied some particular place, orperformed some activity in some portion of that continent; oremigrated from the continent to some other portion of theearth's surface at the time, and began some particulardevelopment.

These must have been a busy folk, for with theiradvent into other climes (as the information runs) they began tomake many changes from the activities in that particular spherein which they entered.6. Then, if we are to accept such as being a fact or fiction,may truly depend upon what value to the human family knowledgeconcerning such a peoples would be in the affairs of individualstoday. What contribution would information be to the minds ofindividuals, as to knowing or understanding the better or closerrelations to the Creative Forces? Or, to put it another manner,what would information of that nature mean to my SOUL today?7.


Be it true that there IS the fact of reincarnation, and thatsouls that once occupied such an environ are entering theearth's sphere and inhabiting individuals in the present, is itany wonder that - if they made such alterations in the affairsof the earth in their day, as to bring destruction uponthemselves - if they are entering now, they might make manychanges in the affairs of peoples and individuals in thepresent? Are they, then, BEING born into the world? If so, whatWERE their environs - and will those environs mean in a materialworld today?364-31. EC: Yes, we have the subject andthose conditions. As has been said, much data has been receivedfrom time to time through psychic forces as respectingconditions in or through the period, or ages, of thiscontinent's existence. That the continent existed is beingproven as a fact.2. Then, what took place during the period, or periods, when itwas being broken up?

What became of the inhabitants? What wasthe character of their civilization? Are there any evidences ofthose, or any portion of, the inhabitants' escape?


The POSITIONof the continent, and the like, MUST be of interest to peoplesin the present day, if either by inference that individuals arebeing born into the earth plane to develop in the present, orare people being guided in their spiritual interpretation ofindividuals' lives or developments BY the spirits of those whoinhabited such a continent. In either case, if these be true,they ARE WIELDING - and are to wield - an influence upon thehappenings of the present day world.3. The position as the continent Atlantis occupied, is that asbetween the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand - and theMediterranean upon the other.

Evidences of this lostcivilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco on theone hand, British Honduras, Yucatan and America upon the other.There are some protruding portions within this that must have atone time or another been a portion of this great continent. TheBritish West Indies or the Bahamas, and a portion of same thatmay be seen in the present - if the geological survey would bemade in some of these - especially, or notably, in Bimini and inthe Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yetdetermined.4.


What, then, are the character of the peoples? To give anyproper conception, may we follow the line of a group, or anindividual line, through this continent's existence - and gainfrom same something of their character, their physiognomy, andtheir spiritual and physical development.5. In the period, then - some hundred, some ninety-eightthousand years before the entry of Ram into India See 364-3,Par. R2 - there lived in this land of Atlantis one Amilius ?,who had first NOTED that of the separations of the beings asinhabited that portion of the earth's sphere or plane of thosepeoples into male and female as separate entities, orindividuals. As to their forms in the physical sense, these weremuch RATHER of the nature of THOUGHT FORMS, or able to push outOF THEMSELVES in that direction in which its development tookshape in thought - much in the way and manner as the amoebawould in the waters of a stagnant bay, or lake, in the present.As these took form, by the gratifying of their own desire forthat as builded or added to the material conditions, they becamehardened or set - much in the form of the existent human body ofthe day, with that of color as partook of its surroundings muchin the manner as the chameleon in the present. Hence coming intothat form as the red, or the mixture peoples - or colors; knownthen later by the associations as the RED race.

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