Table of ContentsJump Start GuideThe quickest and easiest way to use RoVer is to to your server. These are all optional:. Create a role—it can be called anything, but most name it “Verified”—that will be given to all verified users. Drag the “RoVer” role above your role and any roles you would like RoVer to manage. Run the command!VerifiedRole RoleNameHere, replacing “RoleNameHere” with what your role is called. Modify your channel permissions so that only those with the role you made can speak or see them. Run the command!CreateVerifyChannel, which will create an instructional channel for new members of your server.You can also or to roles.
Hey guys its kkkkeemsta-scarce-114k here with the news. Anyway I created this last night and finished it this morning after getting mildly pissed off that copying clothing is so HARD. UI pic: [Image: mmmm so ho-fucking ugly so before I give the download link I want to tell. Enables you to quickly view textures, download assets or characters, or insert them to studio directly by DnD.
Or if you want to see how to customize everything, just keep reading What is it?RoVer is an open source, drop-in Discord verification bot that will allow your members to safely authenticate their Roblox account on your Discord server.