Install Mini Sap Basis 8,8/10 6331 votes
  1. Sap Basis Administrator Salary

So, you want to install a developer edition of a SAP NetWeaver ABAP AS. It should sit on a Linux distribution, in a virtual box. However, you’re a Linux newbie. We have created a genuine, step-by-step guide, with loads of screenshots to help you on your way. Note: I am focussing on one, tried-and-tested installation procedure. Other variants (VMWare, Ubuntu, RHEL, etc) should also work. Please see the following for what to watch out for with other VM technologies or Linux distros: Note 2: this guide is part of a series for anyone who wants a free trial version of an SAP NetWeaver ABAP AS.

To find out more about this whole series, see. Preparation. Ensure you have the following hardware:. x8664 Processor based hardware. Required: at least 8 GB RAM plus about 8 GB swap space;.

Recommended: at least 16 GB RAM plus about 8 GB swap space;. About 100 GB free disk space for server installation. About 2 GB free disk space for client installation.

If only I could install SAP on my home computer Enter miniSAP!!! MiniSAP is a BASIS SAP system, without the business modules (no FI, no CO, no nothing, so my apologies to everyone that thought we could make mini purchase orders or mini invoices), allowing us to practice ABAP or BASIS administration from our own personal computer.

English – SAP AS ABAP requires that you configure English (LANG=enUS.UTF-8) as the operating system language. Download the latest released version of Oracle VirtualBox from for your operating system. Download openSUSE Leap 42.3 in your local machine (64 bit, released version) from. Download the relevant ABAP download files (“abap.rar”) from. Create VirtualBox instance; install openSUSE. Start VirtualBox and create a new VirtualBox instance by clicking the New button:.

  • Step by step to install SPs. A) Log into client 000 as user with SAPALL authorization SAP Recommend DDIC (Note: Always update the SPAM tool to the last level) b) Call transaction SPAM c) In transaction SPAM go to menu option Support Package-Load Packages-From Application Server.
  • SAP does not support XP as an operating system for any of their software solutions. On the other hand, mini SAP (Web AS) definitely works on XP and it can help you practice SAP Basis and ABAP programming. You can get mini SAP bundled with a couple of books: ABAP Objects and Programming with the Web Application Server (see

Enter the following values:. Name: MyVirtualLinux (for example). Type: Linux. Version: openSUSE (64 bit) - Next. Select Memory size: 6 GB - Next. Hard disk: Create a virtual hard disk now - Next.

Hard disk file type: VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) - Next. Storage on physical hard disk: Dynamically allocated - Next. File location and size: 100 GB. Choose Create. Again in the VirtualBox Manager, click on Start to start the VirtualBox:. In the dialog that appears, navigate to the downloaded openSuse installation file (format.iso), which you downloaded in Step 2, eg openSUSE-Leap-42.3-DVD-x8664.iso.Then select this drive; choose OK:.

Now choose Installation (using keyboard, not mouse):. Important: Choose language and keyboard layout (test keyboard). NOTE: We have only tested the US English-language version. If you have problems, please use the English version. Accept the License Agreement by choosing Next. In Installation Options, leave the 2 options unchecked, and choose Next:.

In Suggested Partitioning, choose Edit Proposal Settings and enter the following:. File System for Root partition: choose Ext4 from the drop-down box. Uncheck Propose Separate Home Partition (This step is needed so that SUSE installation creates only one drive but does not create 2 drives (Home and Extension) where Home has less space to continue the ABAP installation.). (Optional: Enlarged Swap for Suspend – I left it unchecked.):. Choose Ok, - Next.


Select Region and Timezone - Next. In Desktop Selection, choose GNOME desktop - Next. Enter:. Your full name. (Create a ) user name. Create a master password, confirm it - Next (I ticked Use this password for system administrator and Automatic Login.

Leave the authentication method and encryption method as they are. The password should be at least 7 characters.). IMPORTANT: In Installation Settings, do not choose Install yet!. You need to make the following settings:. Scroll down to find Firewall and SSH:. Disable Firewall.

Enable SSH service:. Click on Install and C onfirm again to Install the Operating System. The Linux operating system will install (yes!) C. Prepare openSUSE system for ABAP installation In this section, we will make some settings in the openSUSE system to prepare it for the ABAP installtion:.

change proxy settings;. download and extract the ABAP.rar files;.

install the uuidd daemon;. edit the hostname and hosts files;. assign root privileges to the install script. If you have successfully installed the openSUSE operating system, you will see something like this:. Boot up the system by choosing the first option, “Boot from Hard Disk.”Now, we just have these settings before we install the ABAP server. Change the Proxy settings, if you are behind a proxy:. Open Activities and enter “ N” as the search term.

The system returns something like this:. Choose Network. In the dialog that opens, choose Network Proxy, then choose Manual. Change the http and https proxy settings according to your company requirements and set the port to 8080:.

Now we want check used memory using a tool called Xterm. (Background note: Technically speaking, we are interacting with the shell, a program that passes keyboard commands to the operating system. We are interacting with the shell using a terminal emulator, called Xterm). Again, choose Activities, then enter “ X” as the search term. Choose Xterm. Check used memory by typing df -h: Minimum space in home directory should 33 GB to avoud memory errors during installation. (In this example, mine is 92G, or 5%.).

AND NOW, it is time to download and extract the abap rar files to a local folder. First, so that the Linux system can access this folder, we need to register it for auto-mount.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your Linux system is up and running. In VirtualBox Manager, select your Linux system, then choose Settings.

Then choose Shared Folders. Add a new folder to automount, by choosing the plus icon to the right:. In the dialog that appears, navigate to the folder that contains the ABAP installation. Change the folder name to s4installer. (You will need to enter this folder name manually later, so using this alias is less error-prone than trying to remember the complete path.):. Choose OK, OK. IMPORTANT: Reboot the Linux system.

Installing the uuidd daemon: Now we are going to change some settings, before installing the uuidd daemon. This daemon provides universal unique identifiers – essential for creating database keys.

(See SAP Note for more details.) (Note: You only need to do this step if you are using a proxy.). Open the system tool YaST (choose Activities - enter “Y” as search term). Enter your root password (ie the one you use to log on to the Linux system.).

On the left, choose Software. Scroll down on the right-hand side and choose Proxy.

Change the http settings, tick Use same for all, then test proxy. Choose OK, OK. Now we are going to install the uuidd daemon. Still in YaST, scroll back up and select Online Update.

Open the Search tab, and and enter the search term “uuidd”, then choose Search. Choose “uuidd” by ticking the checkbox, then choose Accept: YaST will install uuidd,. Now reboot when prompted.

Now we are going to install a basic text editor, nano:. Open YaST again. Again, open the Search tab.

This time, enter the search term “ nano“, then choose Search. Select “nano”, then choose Accept. YaST will install nano. Now we are going to start the uuidd service in Xterm:. Open Xterm. Start uuidd, by entering: sudo service uuidd start.

Enter the root’s password. (Note: sudo = “superuser do” ie you need to be a superuser to execute this command. Thus you also have enter the root’s password.). Check if the service has started by entering: sudo service -status-all grep uuidd. Your Xterm will look like this:.

We also need to check that libaio or libaio1is installed on your Linux system. In Terminal, enter the command rpm -qa grep libaio. The system should return your libaio library and version no: libaio1 1-0.3.109-22.3x8664 (or similar). Still in Xterm, we will change the hostname, by entering sudo nano /etc/hostname. Delete the name that is there and replace it with vhcalnplci.

IMPORTANT: Do not rename the server after installation. This feature has been removed from this developer edition for simplicity’s sake.

It should look something like this:. Save your changes by choosing Ctrl+o, then Enter. Quit the editor by choosing Ctrl+x. Check by entering sudo cat /etc/hostname.

Restart network by entering: sudo rcnetwork restart. Check that the hostname has changed by entering hostname. Now we will map the IP address to the new hostname. Check the IP address by entering sudo ifconfig. Open the hosts file by entering sudo nano /etc/hosts. Using this IP address, add a new entry of the form:.dummy.nodomain (Should be: vhcalnplci vhcalnplci.dummy.nodomain ). Again, save your changes by choosing Ctrl+o, then Enter.

Quit the editor by choosing Ctrl+x. Check the changes by using the command sudo cat /etc/hosts. And now(last step before we install), we will assign root privileges, by entering sudo -i.

Enter the root’s password and navigate to the shared folder with the ABAP installation: cd /media/sfs4installer. Change the access rights of the install script: chmod +x D. Install ABAP.

FINALLY, we run the installation, by entering the command./ Read and accept the license agreement.

When prompted for the OS users password enter your master password of the virtual Linux OS instance twice. Be patient, this will take a while.

If the installation is successful, you will see something like this: E. Post-installation settings Proxy settings. We need to enter the right proxy settings at Virtual Box level, so that SAP GUI, ABAP in Eclipse etc can find your ABAP system:. In Oracle VirtualBox Manager, select the VirtualBox with the installed ABAP system on it, then choose Settings from the context menu.

From the left-hand menu, choose Network. Open Advanced, then choose Port Forwarding. In the dialog that appears, enter the following settings.

Name Protocol Host IP Host Port Guest IP Guest Port HTTP TCP 8000 8000 HTTPS TCP 44300 44300 RFC TCP 3300 3300 SAPGUI TCP 3200 3200 Connecting to the ABAP server from SAP GUI for Windows The VirtualBox VM will likely be assigned the IP address (because of the NAT network type). Your local WINDOWS cannot see that IP. Instead it will communicate to the VirtualBox VM through port-forwarding using (your windows local host). To be able to use your SAP GUI on your local WINDOWS system, then the application server must either be:. 0.0.1,. or a hostname if added it to your WINDOWS hosts file. Update in administrator mode the C: Windows System32 drivers etc hosts file and add an entry such as: The SAP GUI settings should be:.

Application server = or. Instance = 00. System ID = NPL Additional information We have also provided some additional info (admin, starting / stopping the server, created directories and users, etc) in the. Note: Since we now have 6 blogs referring to 2 different versions of the download developer edition, blog comments are becoming unmanageable. In addition, searching through blog comments is very difficult for other users, resulting in many duplicate issues.

From now on, please DO NOT post a blog comment if you require troubleshooting. Please post on the ABAP Development forum:, using the hashtag #ABAPTrial. I promise to work through the backlog here, but cannot answer any further blog comments. Thank you for your understanding. Hi, Since we now have 6 blogs referring to 2 different versions of the download developer edition, blog comments are becoming unmanageable. In addition, searching through blog comments is very difficult for other users, resulting in many duplicate issues. From now on, please DO NOT post a blog comment if you require troubleshooting.

Please post on the ABAP Development forum:, using the hashtag #ABAPTrial. I cannot answer any further blog comments, which are troubleshooting. Thank you for your understanding. Hi Julie, I just installed SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.51 SP02 Delevoper Edition in openSUSE Leap 42.3 and everything worked well, system is running. Thanks for the great step-by-step instruction.

Unfortunately there’s one little thing left to do: In transaction SLICENSE license expiration date is and no matter what I do – I tried to renew the license with both mentioned options (generating a.txt file and uploading it and replacing the.lic file in openSUSE file directory) the license expiration date hasn’t changed to 31st of March 2018 yet. What else can I do? Thanks in advance and best regards! NOTE: Ivy, you are almost correct.

However, before you install the new license, PLEASE REMEMBER to delete the old license. Well, this is specific to our free developer editions: For simplicity’s sake, we have hardcoded a developer access key – for ONE developer license.

Sap Basis Administrator Salary

If you fail to delete the old license before installing the new one, you may have issues creating / editing dev objects later. I have described this here: Also below for your convenience: Best wishes Julie. ABAP License key. Start the SAP system:. Switch to user npladm with default password Appl1ance in the console: su npladm. Start the SAP system: startsap ALL. Log on to the system, client 000 as user SAP.

Install Mini Sap Basis

with default password Appl1ance. In transaction SLICENSE, ascertain your hardware key. Request the license key for your trial version. Select NPL – SAP NetWeaver 7.x (Sybase ASE) as System ID. Enter your personal data and agree to the License Agreement. Choose Generate bottom right corner of screen.). The web site automatically generates a.txt file for this system/key.

Download and save this file, eg on the desktop for convenience. Go to transaction SLICENSE and install the license file:.

In the tab Digitally signed licenses, delete the existing license, then choose Install. This opens the text file you got and installs the new license key. Please note that all the above steps must be carried out; otherwise, the above user key will not work. The system type changes to Demo.

You can now explore the demo scenarios and develop using the ABAP tools in Eclipse and new features like the core data services or SAPUI5 UIs. Renewing your license Many of you have asked about this: Yes, you can apply for a new license. Just use the same procedure as above. In theory, indefinitely, however, the ASE and HANA licenses last for about a year.

IMPORTANT: To use the developer key that we provide, you MUST delete your old license before you install the new one (as described in step 4 above). Otherwise, the system will generate a different license that no longer matches our pre-configured dev. As an aside: I have noticed that some useful information is available only in the concise guide, not the newbies’ guide.

I am considering creating a PDF with the (verbose) Installation Guide plus additional info, FAQs, setup etc. Since I’ve installed this instance on my laptop, I’ve noticed moving to different location, the server would not find the instance profile and it would not start the instance with command startsap. So I’ve checked the IP address using the command ifconfig and found the eth0 didn’t have any IP address.

Following fixed the IP address issue; manually assign the IP address, preferably the same one you’ve used to install. $ sudo ifconfig eth0 After this sap instance started OK.

I hope this would help other PPL with the same issues.